Enjoy reading through this guide on all things ferrets and hiccups. This guide will explain the all-encompassing answer to the question, ‘Can ferrets get hiccups?’
Yes, ferrets can hiccup. The most exciting thing is that younger ferrets, including baby ferrets, are more likely to hiccup. As such, even pet owners who have had ferrets for less than a year have seen them hiccup. Often, this occurs when a ferret gets overly excited. However, it can also take place spontaneously without much reason.
Please keep reading to learn more about hiccuping ferrets, how to help a ferret stop hiccuping, and whether there may be a medical reason for their hiccups.
Can Ferrets Get Hiccups?
The simple answer is yes. Ferrets do get hiccups from time to time. However, we can look further into the question, “Can ferrets get hiccups?”
This can occur regularly in a ferret, especially a young one. However, for the most part, hiccups in ferrets do not last too long and tend to go away on their own. Usually, the ferrets themselves do not seem worried or anxious due to their hiccuping.
Since hiccups aren’t a significant issue for humans, the same can be true for ferrets. Usually, one doesn’t need to worry about a hiccuping ferret.
However, if the hiccups last for 10 minutes or more and take place multiple times per day, a veterinarian may need to diagnose and treat the ferret to alleviate the hiccups.

What Do I Do If My Ferret Has Hiccups?
What should be done if a ferret gets the hiccups? Something as simple as a sweet treat or olive oil can help.
There are multiple steps that pet owners can take to help their ferret when it is hiccuping. An owner can give their ferret a sugary treat such as ice cream or raisins. Check out the Marshall Bandits Premium Ferret Treats Variety Pack to give your ferret a sweet treat, as it also has raisin-flavored treats.
While this may treat their hiccups, it is vital to consider how much sugar to give your ferret.
Too much sugar can easily impact the ferret’s pancreas negatively. As such, excess sugar can lead a ferret to develop diabetes. So, pet owners should never give too many sweet, sugary treats to their ferrets.
You may also consider giving a ferret some olive oil to help alleviate their hiccups. However, if the hiccups are constant and don’t seem to go away, pet owners should take their ferret to the veterinarian to see if there may be a medical concern related to the hiccuping.

What Causes Ferrets to Hiccup?
Why does a ferret hiccup? Well, a hiccup occurs due to the spasm of a ferret’s diaphragm, which leads to minor spasms that close the vocal cords, which sounds like hiccups.
There are all sorts of perfectly reasonable causes for a ferret to hiccup. It does not necessarily have to do with an underlying medical condition. For example, ferrets can begin hiccuping if they drink (only water, never coffee or other drinks) or eat too fast. Especially if you give them their favorite food like beef and they go full speed when eating.
Sometimes, ferrets get too excited, which leads to more hiccups. This can take place more regularly in young ferrets or baby ones. Usually, this goes away after only a couple of minutes.
Ferrets tend to be curious troublemakers who explore every corner of the house. They can move into tiny areas filled with hair, dust, and dirt. This can make them swallow allergens from the floor, and they may start hiccuping.
In addition, some ferrets may be more likely to get hiccups than others. This may be normal for your ferret. However, if the hiccups don’t end and keep going on for too long, then pet owners should take them to the vet.
Most ferret owners think ferrets are nearly indestructible and wait far too long before taking them to the vet. But in fact they are quite sensitive. Indeed, ferrets can become depressed if they are not kept properly.

Are Ferret Hiccups Dangerous?
Is it dangerous when a ferret starts hiccuping? Luckily, the vast majority of the time, ferrets who hiccup do not have any serious medical condition, nor are they in any danger. Therefore, hiccups among ferrets are usually not dangerous.
It’s not likely that your ferret is sick. However, as previously mentioned, even drinking too quickly can cause hiccups in ferrets. As such, ferret hiccups are generally not dangerous.
However, if the hiccups occur in older ferrets, last a long time, and happen very frequently, there may be a possible medical condition associated with them. As such, seeing the vet is essential. Ongoing hiccups may be a symptom of:
- Pneumonia
- Bowel diseases
- Diaphragm pleurisy
- Conditions in the stomach and esophagus
- Uremia
- Pancreatitis
- Liver cancer
- Hepatitis
- An irritated bladder
If a ferret doesn’t have many symptoms but is excessively hiccuping, it is important to take that ferret to a vet. A vet can determine if there is an underlying disease that may be causing the hiccupping.

Is It Normal For Ferrets to Hiccup?
Is it normal whenever a ferret starts to hiccup? Ask any veterinarian with experience in ferret care and they will tell you that it is completely normal for a ferret to hiccup.
This is especially normal in younger ferrets and greater excitement among the lively, young animals may cause it. As such, it is usually typical for a ferret to hiccup.
Summary: Ferrets Do Get Hiccups
If a pet owner has a new, young ferret who starts hiccuping, eating or drinking too quickly may be the cause. They may also hiccup because of too much excitement. Pet owners are advised to give their ferret a small treat or olive oil to help alleviate hiccups.
Most importantly, hiccups in ferrets are usually normal and not dangerous.