Are you a new pet owner looking to find out what type of food your hamster can safely eat? Do you want to know what type of herbs are safe for your tiny pet? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this guide, we will discuss whether or not a hamster can eat Aloe vera.
You will find that there are actually safer parts of the Aloe vera plant for your hamster to eat as well as more dangerous parts. Keep reading to find out more!
Can Hamsters Eat Aloe Vera?
Generally, you will not want to feed your hamster or several hamsters the Aloe vera plant. Too much Aloe vera can give your hamster an upset stomach and even diarrhea. Furthermore, this plant can cause another serious disorder in a hamster: diabetes.

Is Aloe Vera Safe for Hamsters?
For the most part, Aloe vera is not safe for hamsters to eat. However, you will find that it is fine to give your hamster the gel part of the plant. Do not give your hamster the plant skin of the Aloe vera plant.
When it comes to different herbs, the vast majority of aloe vera plants are not safe for hamsters to consume. There are hundreds of different types of aloe vera plants and most are dangerous for hamsters to eat. Yet, there is one that may be safe.
The gel within Aloe barbadensis miller is safe for hamsters to consume. It tastes bitter and sour but has good healing factors. Yet, it is dangerous to have your pet eat the plant skin.
Can Chinese Dwarf Hamsters Eat Aloe Vera?
Chinese Dwarf Hamsters have a very high likelihood of developing diabetes. This breed of hamsters has more than an 85 percent chance of getting diabetes. In fact, Chinese Dwarf Hamsters have been used to study how diabetes develops in these animals.
As such, you’ll want to avoid giving a Chinese Dwarf Hamster any Aloe vera.

Can Syrian Hamsters Eat Aloe Vera?
Syrian hamsters are different from Chinese Dwarf Hamsters when it comes to developing diabetes. This particular breed is not likely to develop diabetes, which may make it safer for a Syrian Hamster to consume Aloe vera.
However, no one wants their hamster to suffer an upset stomach and diarrhea. While more serious conditions like diabetes are less likely, this plant will still harm a Syrian Hamster.

Why Is Aloe Vera Bad for Hamsters? (3 Reasons)
There are three main reasons why Aloe vera is dangerous for your hamster to consume. Consumption of this plant in high quantities can lead a hamster to:
- Develop diabetes
- Get diarrhea
- Become obese
While it is dangerous for your hamster to eat the plant, it can help your hamster if you add Aloe vera gel to their skin. If you find that your hamster has some sort of dermatitis and very itchy, dry, and scaly skin, then you might want to try adding Aloe vera gel to their skin to relieve the problem.
Are All Types of Aloe Vera Bad for Hamsters?
The vast majority of Aloe vera are dangerous for hamsters to consume. However, Aloe barbadensis miller gel is safe for a hamster to eat, as long as you avoid the skin of the plant.

Can Aloe Vera Be Toxic to Hamsters?
Aloe vera is a member of the lily family, and you should avoid having this type of plant in your home if you have a hamster. Lilies are known to be toxic to hamsters. If you regularly take your hamster outside of its cage, you’ll want to remove all poisonous plants from your home.

My Hamster Ate Aloe Vera, What Should I Do?
Pay attention to your hamster to see if any symptoms occur due to your pet ingesting Aloe vera. You will then need to put your pet in a safe space away from the toxic substance.
Call your veterinarian right away to find out what should be done or find a veterinarian hospital. Keep your pet from grooming itself, especially if part of the toxic substance ends up on the hamster’s fur.
Wrap Up
This guide has outlined the dangers and health risks associated with feeding your hamster Aloe vera. So, can hamsters eat Aloe vera safely? Well, if you want your tiny pet to remain happy and healthy during its lifetime, avoid introducing this plant into your hamster’s diet.