How Big Should a Cage be for Two Ferrets

How Big Should a Cage be for Two Ferrets?

Ferrets grow up to 14 inches long – which doesn’t include the length of their tails – and five inches high. So, if you’re bringing home a pair of ferrets, you know you’ll need a cage bigger than that.

But you might be wondering—just how big should a cage be for two ferrets? We’ll help you sort out the truth from the myths so that your ferrets enjoy a happy life in their cage.

How Big Should a Cage Be for Two Ferrets?

You should purchase a cage with at least five cubic feet of space for your two ferrets. However, if you have the space and money for a larger cage, your ferrets will be even happier.

What Is the Minimum Cage Size for Two Ferrets?

The Perfect Cage Size for Two Ferrets

Although ferrets sleep an average of 20 hours a day, they enjoy having ample space to climb and play when they’re active. For this reason, you should also purchase a large cage with multiple floors so that your ferrets have more play areas.

Can Two Ferrets Live in the Same Cage?

Two ferrets can live in the same cage. In fact, you should always have a minimum of two ferrets per cage.

That’s because ferrets are social creatures. In the wild, they live together. So, your ferret could become depressed if they don’t share a cage with another ferret.

Ferrets get along well with cats and dogs, which can provide a source of companionship. However, you should never use other pets to replace the friendship that ferrets require from sharing a cage with their own species.

What Are the Best Cages for Two Ferrets?

What Is the Minimum Cage Size for Two Ferrets?

At a minimum, you should purchase a cage no smaller than five cubic feet for your two ferrets. However, the bigger the space you can offer them, the better.

Luckily, this is easy to do. You can find many varieties of ferret cages in pet stores and online.

You don’t always need to have a lot of floor space for your two ferrets. Instead, you can offer them a substantial cubic foot space in height. It’s common to encounter ferret cages over 20 cubic square feet that have three or four stories.

The exact size in inches will vary significantly for each product, depending on the layout of the cage. Nevertheless, you should aim to purchase a cage no smaller than 20 x 20 x 40 inches.

What Are the Best Cages for Two Ferrets?

What Are the Best Cages for Two Ferrets?

The best cages for two ferrets have wire sides and a solid bottom, multiple levels, and space for toys. There’s a nearly endless supply of ferret cages available on the market.

It’s best to look at your ferret’s cage as an investment—ferrets live up to nine years. So, if you purchase a high-quality cage, it’ll outlive your ferrets.

Some of the essential qualities to consider when purchasing a cage for your ferrets are the following:

  • Size
  • Secure lock
  • Sturdy material they can’t chew through
  • Space for accessories

Let’s look at each of these in more detail.


Ferrets need a lot of space when they’re active, especially when you have two in a cage.

Therefore, if you don’t have much space, look for a cage that offers multiple levels, such as the Midwest Deluxe Critter Nation. It even has wheels so that you can move the cage around your house to stimulate your ferrets’ minds.

Climbing is among a ferret’s favorite pastimes. However, they run the risk of falling and injuring themselves on the upper levels of their cage. Therefore, you should ensure you secure the ramps well.

Secure Lock

If you’re new to ferret ownership, it’s crucial to understand that ferrets are escape artists. Therefore, a ferret cage will come with an elaborate lock system to ensure your ferrets remain safely in their cage when it’s not playtime.

If you notice that your ferrets are trying to open their cage door, you should purchase another lock as a safety measure. Furthermore, this could be a sign that they don’t have enough toys in their cage or playtime outside of their cage.

How Big of a Cage Do You Need for Two Ferrets

Sturdy Material

Ferret cages almost always come with wire bars. That way, they have plenty of ventilation, and your ferrets can see out of their cage—that’s important since they’re curious animals.

However, ferrets will chew on anything they can wrap their mouths around, so you should ensure that any paint the wiring may have is non-toxic. As with so many products, the higher the quality cage you purchase, the less you’ll have to worry about items such as toxic paint.

Watch out for any other small pieces that they might be able to ingest. However, if you purchase a cage especially made for ferrets, you shouldn’t have to worry about it containing any materials that they can bite off and swallow.

The sides of your cage should allow for good ventilation, but you should purchase a cage with a solid floor. That way, you won’t have to worry about the wiring injuring your ferrets’ feet. Again, ensure that no parts of the floor come apart, so your ferrets aren’t tempted to chew the smaller pieces.

Space for Accessories

Your ferrets will likely spend a lot of time in their cage. Therefore, the cage must have the option to add accessories to keep them occupied.

For example, there should be a place to hang ferret hammocks and place ramps so they can climb to different levels. There should also be plenty of space on the ground floor for their food, water, and litter box.

Ferrets also enjoy having tubes to run through and pant legs or long-sleeved shirts to hide and burrow in. However, keep in mind that ample space isn’t a replacement for daily playtime outside their cage.

So, How Big of a Cage Do You Need for Two Ferrets?

You should aim for a minimum of five cubic feet and 20 x 20 x 40 inches. That said, your ferrets will appreciate the biggest cage you can afford.

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