If you’re thinking about getting yourself a marshall ferret or are already the proud owner of one, you’ve probably thought about how long a marshall ferret can live. It’s an exciting subject, mainly because it does not have the most concrete answer.
Like any living creature, health and environment play significant roles in lifespan. So if you are looking for the answer to be a set number of years, you won’t find that to be the case. That said, the information covered in this article can significantly help you make a well-educated guess as to how long a marshall ferret will live.
How Long do Marshall Ferrets Live?
More often than not, a marshall ferret lives for anywhere between five years and a decade. A five-year gap may seem more significant than you might have expected. Still, pet ferrets are just like dogs, cats, and many other kinds of pets in that their lifespans differ based on many aspects. Breeding is arguably the most important next to health and the environment.

For example, there is a genuine difference between the ferrets you’ll find in pet stores and the ferrets you’ll come across at Marshall Farms. A pet store is frequently like a jack of all trades when it comes to pets. It can have a little bit of everything for every kind of common pet, but it does not specialize in anything.
On the other hand, an actual breeder like Marshall Farms has specialized treatment for its ferrets. You can see this by going on the Marshall Ferrets website and viewing the number of currently available products.
Marshall Farms offers good details on what goes into the food they feed their ferrets, and it is entirely different from the food that pet stores have for ferrets. This difference is part of the reason why you will find variation in the lifespan of marshall ferrets. Dieting also dramatically affects a ferret’s health in more ways than just its lifespan. Therefore, good food should consist of special ferret food, raw meat such as beef or chicks.
The wrong feeding can be dangerous for ferrets. For example, avocados should not be fed ferrets. The wrong feeding can be dangerous for ferrets. For example, avocados should not be fed ferrets. Ferret nutrition should always focus on special food and unprocessed meat. Human food should be avoided.

What are Typical Marshall Ferret Health Problems?
While having a healthy diet can do a lot for a marshall ferret, health issues may still have an impact regardless. Adrenal gland disease and parasites are among the most common health problems in most ferrets, and marshall ferrets are no different.
Adrenal gland disease
In short, Adrenal gland disease happens when a ferret’s adrenal glands continue to make sex hormones following the removal of the ferret’s reproductive organs. The glands will then grow cancerous over time. Because this disease develops gradually, it usually arises in ferrets who receive neutering at a young age.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for adrenal gland disease. The only solution involves giving the ferret who has the disease injections to keep the condition under control throughout the ferret’s lifetime.
Parasites are no less common in ferrets than they are in dogs and cats. There are several parasites that a ferret can get, both internal and external. However, unlike Adrenal gland disease, parasites do not last a lifetime.
Outside of apparent signs like consistent diarrhea, difficulty defecating, and noticeable weight loss, parasites in a ferret are not easy to detect. Especially if said parasites are internal. The best and most consistent way to detect parasites is to have a veterinarian examine the ferret.
Suppose a ferret does have a parasite. In that case, the veterinarian will prescribe medication to cure the issue, and applying the medication is usually not intensive.
A simple flea prevention treatment for external parasites is all you will need to keep your marshall ferret parasite free.

How can You Ensure a Marshall Ferret’s Longevity?
With all this talk of diets and diseases concerning health issues, it may sound like ensuring a marshall ferret’s longevity is a daunting task.
There is a level of challenge involved. However, getting a handle on it all is the hardest part. Once you have a plan together, you’ll only need to stick to that plan to ensure your ferret has a long life.
For starters, know what ingredients are in the food you’re feeding your ferret, and learn what kinds of potential effects those ingredients can have. This way, if your ferret ever shows signs of illness, you’ll be able to determine whether the food is at all responsible.
Next, make sure your ferret gets enough exercise and rest. It can be easy to forget, but just like any other animal, ferrets need to get a certain amount of sleep per day and a certain amount of exercise. Rest will likely take more priority over being active as your ferret ages, especially if your ferret develops arthritis or other conditions that cause stiffness.

Lastly, annual trips to the vet need to be mandatory. You may know your ferret well, but you’re not a veterinarian, so have a reliable vet you can always go to in case of emergencies.
Tip: Many ferrets are little escape artists. Therefore, it may make sense to use a collar with a bell for your ferret to always be aware of where it is wandering around.
Well, How Long Do Marshall Ferrets Actually Live?
The lifespan of a marshall ferret depends on so many different factors. Too many to say a definite number of years, but most people say five to ten years is the answer. Ultimately, you play the most significant role in how long your marshall ferret will live. Providing quality food, a pleasant living environment, and regular visits to the vet are the three best ways to give your ferret a long healthy life.