Ferrets are delightful little creatures that are pretty easy to feed and care for. However, it’s vital to know what they can and cannot eat. A ferret’s digestive system is remarkably fragile and is only meant to process certain types of food. Can ferrets eat pumpkin, or should it be avoided?
Can Ferrets Eat Pumpkin?
Pumpkin is safe for ferrets, but only in very small doses. Usually, pumpkin is fed to baby ferrets as they are learning to eat solid food. Adult ferrets only consume pumpkin when they are experiencing loose stool or other digestive issues. Otherwise, pumpkin should be avoided for pet ferrets.

Is Pumpkin Safe for Ferrets?
While most vegetables are not good for ferrets to eat at all, a pet owner can feed pumpkin to a ferret if it is having digestive issues. Pumpkin is good for binding up loose stool and resolving indigestion. In any other situation, however, pumpkin can be negative for a ferret’s health.
If a ferret has a recommended dosage of pumpkin from a licensed veterinarian, then it is all right for the ferret to eat. However, it needs to be mashed pumpkin without any strings or seeds in it (canned pumpkin works well for this). Otherwise, the ferret’s digestive tract could get overwhelmed.

Why Is Pumpkin Bad for Ferrets?
Of course, too much of anything is bad for a small animal, and pumpkin is no exception. Because ferrets are naturally carnivores, the sugars and starches in a pumpkin can harm the digestive system if consistently given to the ferret.
Occasional pumpkin might be acceptable for specific ferrets. However, giving a pet ferret pumpkin multiple times could be detrimental to its health. Ferrets have short digestive tracts and should only eat lean meat. In the wild, they only eat small animals that they hunt.
A domesticated ferret’s diet should mirror a natural diet as much as possible. Ferret kibble, such as Marshall Premium Ferret, was created by scientists to recreate all of the nutrients and protein a ferret gets in the wild (while keeping a ferret’s mouth and surroundings relatively clean). Pumpkin is not part of a natural ferret’s diet and shouldn’t be part of a pet ferret’s food.
Eventually, a pumpkin-heavy diet will lead to multiple health issues, including:
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- Constipation
- Digestive Problems
- Obesity
To prevent these and keep a pet ferret healthy, it’s wisest to avoid pumpkin (and other vegetables like potatoes) unless instructed by a medical professional.
Can Pumpkin Be Toxic to Ferrets?
Pumpkins are not toxic on their own. A small amount inside of a ferret’s digestive tract will not actively harm the ferret (and in some cases, can help with minor indigestion issues). However, too much pumpkin over time can cause long-term health issues that could lead to premature death.

Are All Types of Pumpkin Bad for Ferrets?
The only type of pumpkin that ferrets can have is pure canned pumpkin. It is difficult to find the correct kind to feed a ferret, but baby food pumpkin will work well if the ferret has digestive issues and needs some pumpkin to help. To feed a ferret pumpkin, mix it with the ferret’s regular food or make a soup for the ferret to eat.
Otherwise, all forms of squash aren’t good for a ferret’s health. Raw pumpkin has too much fiber and will cause more digestive issues, and any other parts of the pumpkin can cause stomach pain and problems. Any pet ferret should avoid pumpkin unless instructed by a veterinarian.

Can Ferrets Eat Pumpkin Seeds?
The part of the pumpkin that is actively dangerous for a ferret is the seed. The flesh of a pumpkin, if properly mashed, can have certain health benefits for a sick ferret. The seeds, however, are dangerous because of their high level of fiber. All ferrets should avoid Pumpkin seeds.

My Ferret Ate Pumpkin, What Should I Do?
If a pet ferret accidentally ingested some pumpkin, the first thing to do is call the veterinarian. A medical professional will have the best advice, especially as they know the specific animal’s dietary needs and restrictions. Always take advice from a medical professional before following online instructions.
It also depends on how much pumpkin the ferret consumed. A small amount of squash will not hurt a ferret in the long run. After a few days, the pumpkin will work its way through the ferret’s digestive system, and the pet will be fine. Watch for negative signs, but don’t worry about a ferret who only ate a few bites of squash.
However, if the ferret ate a large amount of pumpkin or is showing signs of extreme illness (such as major constipation, diarrhea, or vomiting), the best solution would be to take the pet to an animal hospital immediately.
The Final Word on Ferrets Eating Pumpkin
In general, ferrets should not have pumpkin. While exceptionally young or sick ferrets might be able to have mashed pumpkin to help them digest, it’s not advisable to feed a ferret pumpkin without talking to a veterinarian first. By feeding a ferret what is best for its health, an owner will help it to live a long and healthy life.